Saturday, April 01, 2006

Finding the time...

Wow, it's been a while since I've had a spare moment to sit down and post on my trusty blog, prompting some telephone calls from a few friends who wondered what I was up to. Funny that in many cases a blog acts as a substitute to actual contact with people, and even I find myself guilty of "checking up" on friends through their blogs rather than with a simple call or email. I really have to break that habit. I hope others do the same for me, because my ramblings here are much less "this is what I did today" and much more stream of consciousness.

That being said, I'm still wondering how people are able to find the time to blog. On the occassions when I sit down and prepare to add an entry, I'm suddenly wracked with guilt, thinking what am I doing writing on a blog when I have work to do? When you write for a living, it's hard to write a blog and not feel as though you're goofing off.

Lots of stuff has been happening since I last posted, yet lots has stayed the same. The Knicks are still sucking, the kids are still good, projects are still on the cooker, stories have been published, yada yada yada. It has been unseasonably cool here lately (that means in the high 50s and low 60s to my friends back east), and my car has been acting completely jacked up, which has prompted use of public transit as a necessity as opposed to novelty. Thank goodness my mechanic is finally getting me in this week, which means I'll be rolling around as usual by the weekend. I'll have to celebrate by driving up the PCH next weekend.


At 12:03 AM, Blogger Lawrence said...

Glad to see you back! I kept reading on how jacked up Isiah Thomas was a GM (not a damn thing changed!) for 'bout a month. lol

At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's good, Kemp! This is an old pal of yours from your "Flatbush Native" days... haven't seen you for quite some time, but very happy to see you so successful. I've got life stories to share with you, but that's only if you still want to hear those voices. Let me know when you get back here, my brotha.

Sincerely, Ozzark (& Company)
Researching recipes since 1982

At 8:59 AM, Blogger Kemp said...

Mr. William Jackson! Good to hear from you man! Yeah, I'd love to get caught up. I'll be back in NYC a couple of times between now and the summer, once for work, and once for pleasure (a buddy is getting married). Hit me with an email and let's connect. You ever get out to LA?


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